Sunday, March 29, 2009


I have decided that I need to stop whining about this internship bullshit, and just get on the assignment and get it done and over with. I should probably email Dr. Savage and let him know what's going on, in case my evaluation from the Girl Scout lady is less than complimentary. This is just really disappointing stuff, but whatever.... the more I dwell the angrier I get, so I might as well suck it up and try to make the best of the situation, right? Right.

I'll email her a due date, and if she doesn't like it, she can just let me know I guess. I'm not sure where else to go from here. And, if she doesn't respond whether or not I should come in this Thursday, maybe I'll just drop by anyway and see if we can sort things out face to face.

Frustrating crap. I'm just ready to be done with school... maybe forever, I don't know. I've debated the grad school thing, but my thought is if I don't get on that stuff this summer, I know it won't happen for me because I enjoy the idea of not doing homework or attending classes and all of that other b.s. I've been told many times before that I'm going to miss going to classes. Yes, I think I will miss the structure of having something to do at a certain time everyday, and being around new people and my friends. I will miss the structure and the social aspect of college, obviously, because I'm pretty sure the 'real' world is alot different from the college one. But, that's about it. I'm not going to miss the ISU campus, because in my mind the only good thing about it, is the quad. I love the quad and the fact that there are so many tasty restaurants in Bloomington. I must give the town kudos for that. Other than that, I want out.

Worst part is, I want out of Normal, and I don't want to go back North. So, I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. :(

I might blog again here later, I might not. I have to write stuff for my Visible Rhetoric class anyway.

We out.

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