Thursday, April 15, 2010

Things That Are

I don't have too much to say right now. Hrm.
I have a new job with Armia :) I work Mon and Weds there. I am hoping to expand my hours and eventually move up to 'full' time. It would be nice. Really, really nice. My boss is Aji. He is a pretty cool guy, and he puts up with my antics, so what else can I really ask for?

My goal is to quit Potbelly's by this summer. I can't stand it there anymore. I'm tired of the BS, tired of the drama, tired of being treated like crap by people that can't keep their issues at home. I have my moody moments too, oh trust me... my bad side is a baaad side. My coworkers there are going to bring out the bad side in me, real soon. Well, a few are anyway. And, if they read this.. I doubt they will... deal. I don't care what people hear me say about them anymore.. I'm going to say what I want, about whomever I want. So there.

I'm still hunting for other jobs. A never-ending journey it seems to be.

I stumbled across this website.
It makes me sad. But, I like looking at it.

Also this one:

That's all for now.

Things That Are

I don't have too much to say right now. Hrm.
I have a new job with Armia :) I work Mon and Weds there. I am hoping to expand my hours and eventually move up to 'full' time. It would be nice. Really, really nice. My boss is Aji. He is a pretty cool guy, and he puts up with my antics, so what else can I really ask for?

My goal is to quit Potbelly's by this summer. I can't stand it there anymore. I'm tired of the BS, tired of the drama, tired of being treated like crap by people that can't keep their issues at home. I have my moody moments too, oh trust me... my bad side is a baaad side. My coworkers there are going to bring out the bad side in me, real soon. Well, a few are anyway. And, if they read this.. I doubt they will... deal. I don't care what people hear me say about them anymore.. I'm going to say what I want, about whomever I want. So there.

I'm still hunting for other jobs. A never-ending journey it seems to be.

I stumbled across this website.
It makes me sad. But, I like looking at it.

Also this one:

That's all for now.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Mis Suenos

I had another dream last night. This time my Yia Yia was in it too. It was a beautiful dream. My Yia Yia and Daddy were spirits... or something. I was the only one that could see them, my sister and my Mom felt them there, but didn't know how to look. So, I pointed in the right direction and showed them how. Eventually my Yia Yia and my Daddy appeared to them, and then we were all crying out of joy and what not. Each of us knew there wasn't enough time, that they could only stay for so long, and then they would be off... somewhere.. into the great beyond or something...

I hugged my deceased grandmother, and then, just as I was about to hug my Daddy, I woke up.... sobbing. Sobbing because it was all so real. So, very, very, tangible. I felt like I could reach out, and touch them, and it would make life better again. I couldn't stop crying, because this life is sadder than the one depicted in my dreams. Sometimes I don't want to wake up... no, not in that sense.. I just wish I could roam around all day in a dream like state... or something close to it.

I don't know why I am having these dreams, maybe it is better not to ask. I have always believed in ghosts, spirits, souls.. and the like. Maybe its their way of communicating with me? Assuring me.. telling me.. I am going to be ok... we are all going to be just fine? I don't know. But, I don't mind. I look forward to more dreams where the people I cherish most are live again... in my heart.

That's all for now folks.

Mis Suenos

I had another dream last night. This time my Yia Yia was in it too. It was a beautiful dream. My Yia Yia and Daddy were spirits... or something. I was the only one that could see them, my sister and my Mom felt them there, but didn't know how to look. So, I pointed in the right direction and showed them how. Eventually my Yia Yia and my Daddy appeared to them, and then we were all crying out of joy and what not. Each of us knew there wasn't enough time, that they could only stay for so long, and then they would be off... somewhere.. into the great beyond or something...

I hugged my deceased grandmother, and then, just as I was about to hug my Daddy, I woke up.... sobbing. Sobbing because it was all so real. So, very, very, tangible. I felt like I could reach out, and touch them, and it would make life better again. I couldn't stop crying, because this life is sadder than the one depicted in my dreams. Sometimes I don't want to wake up... no, not in that sense.. I just wish I could roam around all day in a dream like state... or something close to it.

I don't know why I am having these dreams, maybe it is better not to ask. I have always believed in ghosts, spirits, souls.. and the like. Maybe its their way of communicating with me? Assuring me.. telling me.. I am going to be ok... we are all going to be just fine? I don't know. But, I don't mind. I look forward to more dreams where the people I cherish most are live again... in my heart.

That's all for now folks.