Sunday, April 5, 2009

Stuff in Life

Well, I haven't updated here in quite awhile. It is time I changed that. Starting, now. A lot has happened this week, well nothing too grand or anything like's just been the week from hell for me. I felt like I was a chicken running around with it's head cut off. Just school has been dragging me down as of late, and I'm getting tired of all of the assignments headed my way. I just want this semester to be over with already.

You are going to hear me say that alot, if you don't like it... don't read it... hehe... I'm quite the whiner.

I feel like my internship is taking away study time from my other classes. And, granted it does have the most hours... at 6... it still doesn't mean that my Visible Rhetoric or Senior Seminar classes are worthless by any means. I just feel swamped with the LIT manual. I'm over 30 pages right now, but I have another 40 to go. I think I can do it, it's just a matter of actually doing it that counts. When I start getting stressed, I tend to draw away from whatever the stresser is instead of facing it head on and getting it out of the way. I guess it's the whole fight or flight thing.. and when it comes to stress.. I flee. Into a bottle o booze... just kidding.... sort of.

As far as grades are concerned I think I have a B in my Visible Rhet class, and perhaps a B in my Senior Seminar. I have no idea what the exact grade is. I have no clue how the internship is coming along because my internship advisor is the one that grades that. And, my ever disorganized internship lady still hasn't evaluated me yet. She really is dingy.

My goal was to graduate with a 3.00. I stand at a 2.50. Pathetic, but it is no one's fault but my own. Sometimes you make mistakes, and like they always say.. it's harder to bring that GPA up, but so very easy to drag it down. I better make my goal. It shouldn't be that hard. At least I don't think so.

My list of things yet to do:
1. keep up with the LIT manual til it hit's 70
2. another brochure from Girl Scout's... take a 4 page brochure and shrink it to 2. Hooray
3. Senior Seminar paper 10-15 pages
4. Senior Seminar presentation 10 minutes
5. Senior Seminar portfolio... ever so lengthy
6. Visible Rhetoric- Module 6
7. Visible Rhetoric- Final Project
8. Visible Rhetoric- Final Exam ?

5 weeks of school left to complete all of this. Can I do it? Oh no, I just better. Because I am graduating this May... no matter what!!! And, if anyone hears of any jobs... do let me know... I am certainly intimidated by this economy.

I can't wait to go home for Greek Easter. I haven't been home since Winter Break. I need to get away for awhile.

We out.

1 comment:

  1. Yikes, that's a ton of work! I know you can do it :) I have so much respect for Eng. majors, I know it's a TON of reading and papers. You're almost there Sarah Gurl, 3 more weeks!
