Friday, December 7, 2012

And So It Is....

Time to write, time to think, time to do a lot of things with this here blogger.

I am currently unemployed at the moment. It is not the best position to be in, but it could be a lot worse and sometimes I forget that. I've been laid off twice this year and just trudging along through it with my head barely above chin level some days. 

Why is it so difficult to keep a damn job these days? It's outright unacceptable. There are families out there struggling to keep their homes and what are the banks and the big wigs doing about it? From the ground I don't see much changing. Homes are in foreclosure, parents are losing jobs (either laid off or fired), this shouldn't be happening. What happened to the days of yore when we had a thriving economy where jobs were plentiful and accessible to anyone of any background?

We need to get back there somehow. I hope President Obama can aide us in this venture, I have hope that change will happen, but it just won't happen for some time yet. I know people are impatient. I am impatient. Believe it or not, I had plans after college, there were things I wanted to do, places I wanted to live, and independence I couldn't wait to gain.

What is that quote? Life is 80% what happens to you, and 20% what you take from it and do with it. Maybe it's wrong, but what does it matter? Things are thrown at you, and you have to adjust or come up with an alternative plan and move on from there. Recently, I applied for unemployment insurance and I hope I am accepted. I answered a key question incorrectly in the application process and was paid 2 DAYS AFTER I was laid off. I'm not sure how much it complicate things, but from the looks of it, I will either be denied or delayed to receive my claim benefits. I have an 'appeal interview' coming up next week, and I am going to plead my case to the best of my abilities. After all, I worked for this money at companies and jobs that I didn't 'LOVE' by any means. Still, I busted my ass, showed up to work with an eager attitude, and this is what I get in return? Fancy that. 

I hope IDES can work with me on this, but we'll see. There are procedures I'm sure they have to follow on their end. I am only a number as far as they're concerned. Mistakes happen, I learned from this one and need to come up with a quick solution. Sometimes that is the best way to learn about life and about yourself, you need to fall on your face, scrape up your knees, trudge through the mud and then wash yourself off and hit the ground running all over again. 

Well I'm running, hell, I'm sprinting full speed ahead in to the unknown and I'm not looking back. There's part of me that thinks the universe is trying to tell me something here... maybe I am not in the right field I need to be in. The tarot card lady at my Mom's birthday party did say I need to 'do what I love'. Well, that's a great question. What do I love? 

I'm an Aquarius, this in turn means I love a lot of things. I need to narrow down this list and really hone in on what makes me tick. I won't lie, I prefer something in the creative field, but I'm not patient enough to live the life of a poor artist/writer/whatever. I want an income and I want it NOW.  I have had a summer job at the very least every year of my life since I was 15 years old. This is no joke. Both of my parents raised me with a good work ethic, because they worked their asses off to provide for my sister and I. 

This is something I strive for. I don't give up. Yes, I get emo,bitchy, cranky, whatever... but that's because I'm hard on myself. I over analyze and want to improve everyday.  When I step out of an interview I continually ask myself 'what did I say that would convince them to hire me?', 'Would I hire me?', 'Would you?'. I run this back and forth and back and forth again in my head. When I am rejected from the position (which happens more often than not) I ask them why I wasn't selected. The generic response? 'You didn't have enough experience'.

What the hell does that mean? Does that mean I didn't come across as confident enough to you? Does that mean you didn't like my attitude when I walked in? (I made you laugh, didn't I?), Does that mean you already passed judgement on what my qualifications are based on my previous positions because they had nothing to do with this one? I do my damndest to play up what I have and how it can benefit whichever company I am applying for at the time. What more do these folks want? My kidney? Well take one.. I only need one anyway!!!

Just kidding about my kidney. I would like to keep all of my organs intact thankyouverymuch. 

Lately I have been thinking of getting back in to theater again. :) I would love to take some acting classes, but without an income to pay for them... I don't see that panning out very well. Maybe with some Xmas/birthday money from relatives I can save up and plot something. I need to let the steam off, get all of my frustrations off my chest. I think if I can learn to be someone else for a day it would benefit my psyche. Seriously. 

And on that note... I'm done for today. 

Back to job apps and square one it is. 

(I should go in to acting, those folks are never guaranteed a gig... look at my past, NEITHER AM I). 

And, that's all she wrote. 

And So It Is....

Time to write, time to think, time to do a lot of things with this here blogger.

I am currently unemployed at the moment. It is not the best position to be in, but it could be a lot worse and sometimes I forget that. I've been laid off twice this year and just trudging along through it with my head barely above chin level some days. 

Why is it so difficult to keep a damn job these days? It's outright unacceptable. There are families out there struggling to keep their homes and what are the banks and the big wigs doing about it? From the ground I don't see much changing. Homes are in foreclosure, parents are losing jobs (either laid off or fired), this shouldn't be happening. What happened to the days of yore when we had a thriving economy where jobs were plentiful and accessible to anyone of any background?

We need to get back there somehow. I hope President Obama can aide us in this venture, I have hope that change will happen, but it just won't happen for some time yet. I know people are impatient. I am impatient. Believe it or not, I had plans after college, there were things I wanted to do, places I wanted to live, and independence I couldn't wait to gain.

What is that quote? Life is 80% what happens to you, and 20% what you take from it and do with it. Maybe it's wrong, but what does it matter? Things are thrown at you, and you have to adjust or come up with an alternative plan and move on from there. Recently, I applied for unemployment insurance and I hope I am accepted. I answered a key question incorrectly in the application process and was paid 2 DAYS AFTER I was laid off. I'm not sure how much it complicate things, but from the looks of it, I will either be denied or delayed to receive my claim benefits. I have an 'appeal interview' coming up next week, and I am going to plead my case to the best of my abilities. After all, I worked for this money at companies and jobs that I didn't 'LOVE' by any means. Still, I busted my ass, showed up to work with an eager attitude, and this is what I get in return? Fancy that. 

I hope IDES can work with me on this, but we'll see. There are procedures I'm sure they have to follow on their end. I am only a number as far as they're concerned. Mistakes happen, I learned from this one and need to come up with a quick solution. Sometimes that is the best way to learn about life and about yourself, you need to fall on your face, scrape up your knees, trudge through the mud and then wash yourself off and hit the ground running all over again. 

Well I'm running, hell, I'm sprinting full speed ahead in to the unknown and I'm not looking back. There's part of me that thinks the universe is trying to tell me something here... maybe I am not in the right field I need to be in. The tarot card lady at my Mom's birthday party did say I need to 'do what I love'. Well, that's a great question. What do I love? 

I'm an Aquarius, this in turn means I love a lot of things. I need to narrow down this list and really hone in on what makes me tick. I won't lie, I prefer something in the creative field, but I'm not patient enough to live the life of a poor artist/writer/whatever. I want an income and I want it NOW.  I have had a summer job at the very least every year of my life since I was 15 years old. This is no joke. Both of my parents raised me with a good work ethic, because they worked their asses off to provide for my sister and I. 

This is something I strive for. I don't give up. Yes, I get emo,bitchy, cranky, whatever... but that's because I'm hard on myself. I over analyze and want to improve everyday.  When I step out of an interview I continually ask myself 'what did I say that would convince them to hire me?', 'Would I hire me?', 'Would you?'. I run this back and forth and back and forth again in my head. When I am rejected from the position (which happens more often than not) I ask them why I wasn't selected. The generic response? 'You didn't have enough experience'.

What the hell does that mean? Does that mean I didn't come across as confident enough to you? Does that mean you didn't like my attitude when I walked in? (I made you laugh, didn't I?), Does that mean you already passed judgement on what my qualifications are based on my previous positions because they had nothing to do with this one? I do my damndest to play up what I have and how it can benefit whichever company I am applying for at the time. What more do these folks want? My kidney? Well take one.. I only need one anyway!!!

Just kidding about my kidney. I would like to keep all of my organs intact thankyouverymuch. 

Lately I have been thinking of getting back in to theater again. :) I would love to take some acting classes, but without an income to pay for them... I don't see that panning out very well. Maybe with some Xmas/birthday money from relatives I can save up and plot something. I need to let the steam off, get all of my frustrations off my chest. I think if I can learn to be someone else for a day it would benefit my psyche. Seriously. 

And on that note... I'm done for today. 

Back to job apps and square one it is. 

(I should go in to acting, those folks are never guaranteed a gig... look at my past, NEITHER AM I). 

And, that's all she wrote.