Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I Hope I Never Have A Daughter

That might seem like a nasty title... but, if you hear why... maybe it won't come across as so harsh. This might get into prose/poetry soon enough, roll with me. :)

I hope I never have a daughter
I don't want to see her cry
I don't want to have to tell her
That sometimes there are no reasons why

Why you feel completely alone
And that no one really cares
Why you cry yourself to sleep at night
And, get angry/upset unawares

Other people just don't get it
But your Mama she understands
Because she went through the same thing
And will be there to hold your hand

Some people just think it's an 'excuse'
Well, I'm here to tell you it's not
Don't blame it on yourself, love
This isn't a disease that you've got

It might have a few names or titles if you will
But, if you haven't suffered from it
Others usually tell you to just 'chill'

Chilling doesn't really help
Cause the pain doesn't disappear
I can't quite put my finger on it
Cause nothing at all is clear

If I ever have a daughter
I hope she isn't like me
I don't want her to suffer
because of

For anyone that doesn't understand this, I would suggest looking it up. I'm here to tell you, it isn't PMS, and it isn't an excuse either. It's a very real condition. I should know, I've been suffering from it since I was 10, I've been undiagnosed until just a few years ago. My cries for help were finally answered in the form of counseling, the pill, and some really awesome familial and friend support. So, whenever someone says to their friend, girlfriend, wife, lover, whomever....
"What is with you? Are you PMSing or something?" maybe the person asking that question should take a step back for a second, and look at the bigger picture. Because for some people it is a hell of alot more than that. It's misunderstood, I am trying to understand it now.

Ok, I guess that's all for now. I won't get any more personal than that.

Have a good one peeps. :)

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