Friday, September 24, 2010

Alas.. knowledge really is power

Ok. After many years of suffering with some strange and rather embarrassing syndromes that my body chooses to torture me with. I have discovered something so radical, so insane, so unpredictable.. that somehow it all makes sense! When I was about 14 years old, I was diagnosed with Raynaud's Syndrome a very irritating vascular condition that makes winters especially hellish for me. My hands and feet will freeze randomly, sometimes for no reason at all. There are moments when I lose all feeling in all, or some of these extremities.. it often feels like pins and needles when the blood finally does rush back. Then, they swell and hurt. So, it's a lose lose situation either way you look at it. It sucks.

Today, while researching ways to prevent the symptoms, and find ways to make it less painful, I read an article that mentioned that individuals who suffer from Raynaud's Syndrome can also develop hyperhidrosis!!! This news excites me! Hyperhidrosis is a humiliating disease that makes me want to draw away from people just to protect them from pure disgustiness. I can make fun of it around my family, friends, and Dan( thanks for putting up with it, hun :-*) but around colleagues and those I interview with... it is beyond humiliating. It is borderline depressing. Just imagine.. you are already nervous for an interview... and both of your hands start to sweat profusely... I'm not talking a little sweat.. I'm talking the same wetness you experience after dipping your hands in water... but, it doesn't dry, it stays wet. You can wipe your hands as many times as you want, but they still stay disgusting. Now, you have to shake someone's hand. No one deserves to suffer that.

I have been debating the botox injections to the hands and feet to lessen the sweat. I think you go in once a month or something like that. Once I am on my own insurance, I intend to pay for it in full. Because I can't live like this anymore. My second option is, surgery. They make laser incisions in the thoracic area of the body... to reach the glands inbetween the rib cages. It sounds painful, but if the botox injections don't work.... then, I will save up for that as my final resort.

I am thankful that people who care about me, don't make me feel like a freak with these diseases. :) They make me feel pretty bad about myself sometimes.

Here are links with more info: Raynaud's Syndrome and Hyperhidrosis.

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