Sunday, May 2, 2010


There are some good updates, nay... great updates in my life so far. :) Great things don't happen to me very often these days.. but, for once.. the face of karma or whatever you want to call it, decided to smile upon me instead of the latter.

I am no longer a Potbelly employee. :) I am simply working with Aji now. I write articles, will soon learn more about the companies' newsletters, and I call customers to see how they like the software thus far. I am learning the software and computer terminology bit by bit. At least my boss is patient with me, so far. Hehe.

Anyways, Potbelly's caused me much drama with my manager and shift lead alike. I can't go into detail, or mention names obviously.. but, I will say this.. you never really know anybody. People that you think you can trust, seem to be the first ones to really let you down. I was let down by these people. At first, they were cool... things were going alright.. then, a shift... a change happened... and I just couldn't take it there anymore. I was miserable, angry, and depressed working there.

It's a weight of my shoulders to be free of that place. I mean, my position now is by no means a future career move, but it's a stepping stone. A foot in the doorway eventually leading me to a full time position somewhere... with some writing assignments to guide me.

I've been spending more time with my Mom on weekends. I think it brings us closer together. Not that we fight all the time or anything, in fact we rarely argue, but when it does happen, it can get pretty ugly. I guess after my Dad died, I am starting to appreciate my Mom more, I understand why she worries the way she does, and I'm going to try and lessen those worries for her.

I don't want her to worry about me. But, I know she always will. I just want to finally be an adult, have my own money so she doesn't have to pay for anything for me anymore. I'm trying, but trying doesn't get results.

What else can I say? I'm just trucking along this path called life... hoping it will lead me somewhere.... yeah....

We out.

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