Monday, March 1, 2010

The Bachelor

L-R Ali, Jake, and Vienna

I simply have to comment on this hilarious 'reality' tv show. I love watching dating shows and I have no idea why. Maybe it's my sick sense of humor and how I secretly enjoy watching people make assholes of themselves. I don't know.

This last bachelor was a very attractive pilot named Jake. I must say, I even had a crush on the guy. I felt his personality was a little stiff, and he lacked any real sense of humor, but the women on the show didn't really seem to mind. Some of the ladies actually fell for him, while others saw it as a game. In my opinion, Jake's now 'fiance' the ever controversial Vienna, is the latter. She is a young, 23 year old girl, who admits to never having been in a real long term relationship, that doesn't factor into my opinion of her. What factors in, is that she was married for three days. Three days. Really? Obviously she enjoys taking risks, she is a competitor, and granted dating is all about competition. Women and men compete with one another over relationships and hook ups and what not all the time.

But, I think that when it comes to true love. The honest kind. There should be no competition whatsoever. Maybe my version of what love is doesn't even exist in this world I am trapped to live in. I want to believe it does. I want to believe that love just isn't about sex (although for the most part that certainly helps matters) I want to believe that love is a strong connection that you feel with another person. That no matter what they look like upon just waking up, or even dressed to the nines, at the end of the day, you are still in love with this person no matter what the circumstance. No matter how much weight they gain, or stretch marks, or any of that crap.

I think true love isn't glamorous and 'fun' all the time. True love is something two people have to work at everyday, but it doesn't feel like work. It just feels natural. I think the spark at the beginning of any/all relationships fades with time, the challenge is.. can the couple grow from this change into a deeper sense of emotion? Or just fall apart into superficiality? It all depends me thinks.

That's why these often entertaining dating shows are just that... entertainment. I don't understand how you can fall in love with someone in a few weeks.. let alone a few months. Try 9-12 months. That's how long it takes me. Of course, I am a very guarded person when it comes to handing out my heart. I don't take it lightly, or say I love you on a whim.

I have only been in two long term relationships in my short life. Both lasted over a year, and I can honestly say, it was love. I know that because of the pain and anguish after watching my heart break into teeny weeny little pieces. I am not ready for that kind of love right now. I am keeping my heart closed for good reason, which I am not about to go into here. All I know is, when I am good and ready, I will fall in love again. I will find someone that actually loves me back this time.

I'm just having fun for now. ;) Because that's what being young and 'shopping' around is all about. And, well... sexy times are fun too... bwhahaha. ;)

I guess in conclusion of this random post, as most of mine are, I do think Jake made a mistake in his decision. Not because I hate Vienna, I don't even know or care about the woman, I just feel she sees the entire show as a 'game'. Marriage and commitment, which is supposedly the goal of the show, has nothing to do with her attitude. She is looking at it wrong, and Jake is blinded by their sexual connection.

It will be interesting to see how Allie fairs. She is the next Bachelorette. :) I really admired her when she dumped Jake for her job. That was a huge risk. Of course she tried to plead with him later on to go back on the show, he of course said no. Which makes perfect sense to me. Why should she get special treatment after something like that? Although she later stated that she made a mistake in her decision, I still don't think so. I think sometimes its ok to use your head over your heart. I'm not saying to avoid love, or push it away, all I'm saying is.. with such an illogical emotion sometimes it pays to actually step back and think about the situation overall. Really weigh ones options, and then move forward from there.

That's all for now, folks.

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