Saturday, November 26, 2011

Almost Xmas....

Well, it's that time of year AGAIN. When people spend ridiculous amounts of money on gifts for their friends, loved ones, significant others, etc. Well, this year I only have to worry about spending it on my family which is always nice. I save money, and don't get to feel like kicking myself in the face after words. So, good for me.

I feel like the older I get, the Xmas magic has since left me. I'm no longer all that excited for it for opening gifts and that ol crap. I'm just happy to spend time with my family and friends. I'm happy that we're all healthy, and we get to see another year. And, I wish I didn't take people for granted the way I sometimes do. I need to change this.

But, most of all, I miss the people I've lost over the years, and it all comes back to me 'this time of of year'. There are two integral members of my family that have been gone for two years now. My Yia Yia and my Dad. Not a day goes by I don't think about either one of them, I still reel from my dad's death... but, each day I guess it gets a little easier, I find ways to deal with it.

I'm sure, like every year I will dream about them when I'm at my worst. Recently I dreamt that my Dad told me what heaven and hell were like. He looked so good in the dream. Healthy, skinny, how he was before he died. I can still see it in my mind, I woke up completely baffled as to how real it all felt. He was right there, I swear it.

I do believe loved ones that I've lost come back in mysterious ways. When someone I don't know is nice to me it could be them, when I suddenly think positively about a situation I know it's probably them. That little voice in the back of my head telling me to 'do the right thing' yeah, I know it's them.

I just wanted to write a short yet sweet post about how we should all take Thanksgiving more to heart than Xmas. Truly, be thankful for your health, the health of your family and friends, and whether you want to bite their heads off one day, or hug them into submission the next. They're HERE, with YOU, and that's all that really matters.

Be thankful for those you have in your life, we aren't promised anything, we have a short stay here, so I intend to make the most of it.

That's my 'New Year's Resolution'.

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