Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Bachelorette- A Woman's Perspective

Alright. I admit. I am a sucker for these reality tv shows. They reel me in, keep me interested, and sadly, I must say, I start to care about the people in them. Why you might ask? Because as a girl, I can relate to what Ali felt when Frank tore her heart out. If I have any male readers, I'm sure you can relate to having your heart broken too. It's a nasty, lingering feeling, and when one party knows its over before the other does... it's even worse.

Here's my theory. If one of you in the relationship is having second thoughts or has thoughts about someone else... its time to call it quits. The more you drag things out, the more you tell yourself 'if I just try a little harder' the end of that relationship will become more dramatic than it needs to be. I don't understand why couples force themselves to go through this. Why would you stay in a relationship if either you, or you know your significant other is completely miserable? If the both of you know deep down somewhere, that you aren't right for each other... then, break up. It really is as simple as that.

One of my best friends said this to me 'Sarah, if you have doubts about him, then you know what to do'. Well, the truth is. I never acted on it. Even, when I would run to my gurl crying... because so and so made me cry... I still didn't have the cajones to call anything off. I am just as guilty as Frank in this instance. Not because I had thoughts about anyone else, but because I had doubts and didn't voice them the minute they came about.

Now. Frank was a complete jerk in dragging the entire situation out. He obviously still had feelings for his ex girlfriend, and he even admitted that it was she he thought about before going to bed every night, not Ali. The girl he just went on a romantic date with. There is something wrong with that. If you are going to sleep thinking/dreaming every night of someone other than the person you are with... its time to reevaluate yourself and the relationship overall.

Some people can tell when the relationship is turning sour, but Ali had no idea. She was completely shocked when Frank broke up with her on live television. I know, the show is most likely scripted, but I feel like her tears in this instance were pretty real. The girl couldn't stop crying... and no matter what sex you are, or what sexual orientation you practice.. if you have ever really cared for someone... you've been there. And, it sucks.

Ali has two great guys at her every beck and call. I am personally rooting for Chris. He seems like a sweet guy, and he comes from a very nice family. Roberto is very attractive, but there is something about him that I don't necessarily trust. Is it the tabloids? I think so. Rumor has it that Roberto ditched an old flame, and she has been looking for him.... hrm. Very, very, interesting....

You can bet your bottom dollar I will be watching the finale of this show in two weeks. I am quite excited to see the end result. And yes.... there will probably be a blog with my opinions on it accordingly.

The following clip is a fun scene between Ali and Frank when things were going well. She gets the wonderful opportunity to slap him. I think its a glimpse into the future....

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