Friday, January 3, 2014

New Year, New Post, New Me

It's been awhile. I start almost every blog with the same sentence, so deal with it. :) Before I begin on anything, I kept a promise or basically said I would write about this particular topic to a few friends, so now I am going to do it. I am going to bash 50 Shades of Grey.

Have you read the trilogy? Have you fully absorbed the underlying message this hodge podge of crap is trying to convey to female readers? Well, let me entertain you. I read the trilogy and laughed throughout the entire thing. This book is sad and creepy. My boyfriend called it 'mommy porn' which almost made me puke in my mouth. Do you want to imagine that? No, no I didn't think so. What in the world is going through mother's minds throughout the world if they deem these disgusting novels as 'fun' or ewww... 'romantic'?

My theory is simply this. After awhile, marriages must reach a 'boring' stage, guess what? That's called real life. Get used to it. Apparently, this author wants to 'spice up' the sex lives of these deprived mothers and housewives everywhere. To each his own on that front. But ask yourself this, if you were a mother (I am not ready to be one for quite some time yet) or if you ARE a mother, would you allow your pre-teen daughter to read these books? My answer? NO. I would never want my future-somewhere-down-the-road-daughter to EVER think it is ok for a man to use objects or his hands on her for HIS pleasure.

S&M is a culture unto itself that I personally know nothing about. For members of this culture, if that is what they choose to do to one another and it works in their relationships, then that's fine. But, for a young impressionable girl to start reading books like this.. a girl that may not be sexually active yet, and doesn't quite know her own sexual identity-who knows the damage that could do. Women should never be seen as objects both in and outside of relationships. I have been in situations where I have been treated with 0 respect, and I will never allow myself to be treated that way again. The things I was told, would make you roll your eyes at me and ask 'why did you allow that to happen?' Or, better yet... 'why did you allow yourself to be treated that way?'

Because when I was younger, I didn't know any better. And, I will tell you this- I have encountered folks that closely resemble Christian Grey, and that is not a compliment to them or to anyone else. What Christian Grey represents is CONTROL. Sheer emotional CONTROL over another human being. You don't have to use your hands to control someone else, emotional manipulation and verbal abuse are often key. In this trilogy, I would say EMOTIONAL MANIPULATION was seen left and right throughout the books. Christian had the ever innocent and soon to be dominated Anastasia wrapped around his pinky finger. While reading their relationship take shape, I cringed at the very thought of being so controlled by someone else.

Ladies of all ages, of all walks of life, of all career paths, YOU can determine your own sexual identity in a relationship. If you are ok with what Christian and Anastasia represent, then who am I to say otherwise? I would not introduce such literature to a younger audience though. If a little girl asked me about this trilogy, I would pull them off to the side and really let them know that you need to love yourself first and foremost before you allow any man to determine what he wants in a relationship. It should be a 50/50 situation not a 50 SHADES OF GREY.

Stay tuned because I am going to watch the movie. And bash the hell out of it too. :)

I hope you all have a wonderful 2014 and I'll be sure to keep on blogging on. :)

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