Monday, July 11, 2011

Je suis un fille....

From L-R ( Tabs, Ashley, Katie, Amanda, and yours truly) <3

The beautiful Ashley will be expecting her first child, an adorable babygurl in a month! :) I am so excited to be her Godmother, and I can't wait to spoil the little one rotten.

Amanda (shh... don't tell anyone... will probably be getting engaged soon!) :) I am so excited and happy for these awesome changes for both of my friends. It feels great to feel happiness for someone else sometimes.

I don't know if I spelled that right or not, and to be quite honest, I don't really care either.

I just got back from an amazing weekend with my college gurls. It was wonderful seeing everyone, since we are all so far apart these days, it makes it even more special when we see each other for just a weekend at a time. Each of my friends has something so wonderful, so rare, and beautiful about them, I honestly don't know how I would've made it through college without these girls!

The break ups, the heartaches, the classes, the failed exams, the disappointments, the parties, the gossip, the drama, etc. My college experience certainly would not have been the same without them. And, there is only one thing I would change.... my dating history.

Throughout my college career, I had two serious relationships practically back to back. Because I'm an idiot. One was a very verbally abusive relationship that lasted for only a year and a half (thank God), and the other was just an awkward long distance association for 2 and a half years. Make no mistake, I was crushed when both of them came to an end, but I should've 'casually' dated more in college.

I mean, that's what it's for, right? It seems like some people go to college to find a husband or a wife, while others go there to have fun. Well, I fell into neither one of those categories, and although I learned quite a bit about myself, it still just feels pointless looking back on it now.... So, I am going to start 'reliving' my lost college years now. I need to do this for myself, once I am healthier, and ready to enter the world of dating again, I am going to keep things simple. No more opening up too much and letting someone else in, I'm going to make them work for it this time. No more easy shit. I am keeping my heartstrings locked away this time, for a very long time.

Plus the single life has it's lonely moments, and it's fun ones too. :) I plan on the latter, but in a cautious and safe sense, der.

I've been applying to other positions both in the insurance industry and out, I do not feel it is appropriate to explain my reasons here. If any of you are curious, don't hesitate to email me or send me a message, I will answer why personally that way. Plus, with wandering eyes over the internet, I have to be careful what I say, etc. etc. I certainly have not found my 'niche' in life. I feel as if I am destined to be one of those wandering souls that just walks the earth aimlessly trying to find my 'one true calling'. I always thought it would be in the writing field, and I still think it is. But sometimes I think I should've studied to become a nurse, or pursued acting, or paranormal sciences. I am just all over the place with this stuff.... one day I will figure it all out, and be sure to let you all know when in the hell that is!!!! Hehehe

I think my fish oil pills are helping boost my mood. Still, I have my blues more frequently these days than others, but there are various outside factors that come into play for that. I don't feel like going into here. Some are controllable, and others are not. Se la vie, right? That's just how shit goes.

Well, I'm out of stuff to write about... so here are some pics from my weekend! Enjoy! :)

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